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How To Remove Delated Files From Your Computer

How To Remove Delated Files From Your Computer

Hare are Some Comman Steps

Step 1. First of all download the software Recover my files from the provided link and install it on your computer.

Step 2. You will see two options on opening the app Recover files and Recover a Drive.

Step 3. If you want to recover your files, you need to select the option of Recover files. now you will be asked to select the drive to search and recover files.

Step 4. On the very next screen, you have to search for deleted files.

Step 5. Now wait for few seconds while the software search for the deleted.

Step 6. Now you can see all your deleted files, you can recover them by simply locating the folder. You have to unhide the protected files in Windows in order to locate the given path.

That’s it! you are done. Once you browse through the given path, you can see your deleted files and can transfer it to another drive in order to recover it.

Hope This Will Help You 

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